What in The World is a Diaper Party & Who Is Supposed To Throw One?

When it comes to welcoming a new bundle of joy into the world, throwing a baby shower is a must-do occasion. But have you heard of a diaper party? Perhaps you’ve seen it mentioned on social media, or maybe a friend has mentioned it in passing.

Diaper parties are gaining popularity as a way for fathers to celebrate the arrival of their newborns, combining fun and significance in their celebrations.

Today, we’re going to dive deep into everything you need to know about diaper parties and answer the question that’s been on everyone’s mind: Who is supposed to throw one?

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What is a Diaper Party?

To get started, let’s address the elephant in the room. You may be wondering, “What is a diaper party, and how is it any different from a baby shower?” Simply put, a diaper party is an occasion where the focus is entirely on, you guessed it, diapers! But also the dad to be.

A diaper party is essentially a baby shower, but specifically for the dad and his friends. Similar to a traditional baby shower, it’s a festive gathering to celebrate the arrival of a new baby and honor their parents, specifically the father!

They are also commonly called other things such as:

  • Man shower
  • Daddy shower
  • Baby shower for men
  • Beer and diaper party

Instead of having the guests bring traditional baby shower gifts for the parents-to-be, everyone brings a pack of diapers. The more, the merrier, as the saying goes!

What Do You Do For Diaper Parties?

Diaper parties are made to be as simple as possible. It’s a straightforward baby shower for guys that should only involve a couple of things.

  1. Beer 🍺
  2. BBQ 🍗
  3. Diapers 🚼

Instead of shower gifts, guys bring diapers to help out the expecting couple. Because we all know how expensive diapers are!

If you’re the expecting father and planning your diaper party, it’s a good idea to specify the brand and size preferences before the party. This way, you’ll receive the diapers that you need and won’t have to worry about exchanging them afterward.

If you’re a family member or friend planning the diaper party for guys, make sure to let the guests know about any specific preferences!

It’s also a good idea to recommend buying the diapers from Amazon since they carry all the major brands and sizes.

pile of diapers at a diaper party for guys

Who Is Supposed To Throw a Diaper Party?

Now that we have a better understanding of what a diaper party is, let’s answer the million-dollar question: Who is supposed to throw one? The answer is pretty simple: anyone can!

Traditionally, diaper parties were held by the dad’s friends or male family members. But in today’s modern world, diaper parties can be thrown by anyone, whether it’s the expectant father, the expectant mother, or a close friend.

Now, with that being said, a diaper shower is technically a baby shower for the dad and his buds. BUT it doesn’t HAVE to be. If you want to throw a coed diaper party, why not!?

A diaper party can be a fantastic idea for several other compelling reasons such as:

  1. It’s the perfect opportunity for friends and family bonding
  2. Diaper parties are much less stressful to plan than traditional baby showers
  3. They provide an excuse for a cookout or BBQ, which we can all agree is never a bad thing!
  4. It’s easy to plan for parents who already have everything

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Planning a Diaper Party

If you’re thinking of throwing a diaper party, then you’ll want to make sure you plan it right.

Decide The Date and Time

First and foremost, you’ll want to decide on a date and time. Typically, diaper parties are held on a weekend, but feel free to choose a time that works best for you and your guests.

Send the Invitations

Once you have a date and time, send out invitations to your guest list. Be sure to include all the important details, such as the date, time, and location of the party, as well as any other pertinent information, such as whether snacks and drinks will be provided or if guests are expected to bring their own.

Honestly, one of the easiest ways to do all of that is to just create an event on Facebook.

Decide on Themes & Games

You can plan a simple, casual party, or go all out and theme it up. Although traditionally, they are supposed to be as simple as possible. So whether you want to plan for some modern baby shower games or not, it’s really up to you.

If you’re looking for some simple yet unique baby shower games you can snack on Amazon, there are some great choices! Games such as:

  • Pin The Poopie On The Diaper: A twist on the classic pin the tail on the donkey… but with baby diapers and poopie emojis! It has unique pink sparkly, blue sparkly, brown and rainbow poopie stickers that will have everyone at the party laughing uncontrollably.
  • Did Baby Poopie: A cute and simple game that requires not setup or explaining at all. It’s a simple scratch off card game that is perfect for giving away prizes while having a good laugh. The guests will scratch the silver circle on the lottery cards to reveal their fate. If they win, they’ll reveal a cute poopie emoji and scream “I got the poop!”.
  • Baby Talk: By using pacifier mouth pieces everyone at the party will turn into hilarious baby talkers. It’s a team-based game that has you saying outrageous phrases like “Ferocious Milk Slurping Baby” to cute phrases like “Pass The Nipple Butter Please!”.

When it comes to gift-giving at a diaper party, it’s all about the diapers. And you don’t even need to wrap them!

It’s basically the easiest baby shower ever! It can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. If you do opt to go with a more involved diaper party, you can always have it planned out for you by Partytrick! Partytrick is basically a planner in your pocket. They make hosting any type of party simple and stress-free.

partytrick the platform for planning a party such as a diaper party

Ready to Plan Your Diaper Party?

So, there you have it! A comprehensive guide to diaper parties and everything you need to know. Now that you’re an expert on all things diaper party-related, it’s time to plan your own!

Whether you’re a dad-to-be, a friend or family member of the expectant parents, or just curious about this new trend in baby showers, a diaper party is the perfect excuse to get together with the guys (or the whole family) to drink some beer and maybe even watch a football game on TV.

Plus, the parents-to-be will appreciate all the diapers they receive. And who knows, maybe it’ll become a new tradition for every future baby!

So, whether you are an expectant father or a friend of one, make sure to throw that diaper party and have fun bonding with loved ones over beer and BBQ while also helping out the happy couple with some much-needed diapers!

For more party inspiration, hosting tips, and exciting new ideas, join our mailing list and follow us on Instagram @‌cotierbrand or Tiktok.

Amber S.

Amber is the Co-Founder and CEO of Cotier Brand. A unique party supply company that creates games and activities that drive engagement and connection between guests! Her mission is to inspire more people to gather, connect and create memories for life's smallest and biggest moments.

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