The Best Casual Conversation Starters For Any Occasion

casual conversation starters two women smiling and raising their drinks

When it comes to socializing, there are a few challenges we face along the way. One of those being the ability to start interesting and engaging conversations with the people you meet. Often, we can get flustered and fall back on the classic “So, what do you do for work?”, forgetting how simple it really is to converse with each other. So, if you’re looking for some of the best casual conversation starters to help you prepare for your next event… You’ve come to the right place!

Casual Conversations Starters: Do’s & Don’ts

a dinner table setting at night with candles lit
Source: Pexels

Before we begin, we’ve put together a little do’s and don’t’s list to help you figure out how to be an awesome conversation starter… No matter the occasion!


  • Head to the bar early to calm your nerves.
  • Be bold and introduce yourself first.
  • Be a hostess with the mostest if it’s your event.
  • Have a go-to topic -or three!
  • Compliment someone to break the ice.
  • Ask open-ended questions to avoid yes or no answers.


  • Start with questions such as; “What do you do?”
  • Get into sensitive or awkward topics.
  • Overindulge on the canapés!

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Birthday Brunch Casual Conversations Starters

a flatlay of brunch food
Source: Unsplash

If you’ve got a birthday brunch coming up and you’re on the hunt for some unique but casual conversation starters, check out some of these:

  • How do you know the birthday person?
  • What did you do for your last birthday?
  • How long can you go without checking your phone?
  • Do you have a morning ritual? If so, what is it?
  • What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever experienced?
  • If someone offered to tell you your future, would you take the offer?
  • Who’s your biggest hero and why?
  • What would be the title of your memoir?
  • Do you believe in spirit animals? If yes, what’s yours?
  • What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  • If you had one, what would your rock band group be called?
  • Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
  • Which superpower do you wish you could have?
  • What is the best thing you’ve ever bought off Amazon?
  • What’s your favorite city you’ve visited? Why is it your favorite?

Baby Shower Casual Conversations Starters

blue baby shower food and gifts
Source: Pexels

With an increase in innovative baby shower ideas in the age of the pandemic, there’s an even bigger need to learn some decent casual conversation starters. Have a scroll through these:

  • How do you know the Mom-to-be?
  • What made you smile today?
  • Have you got any kids? If so, what are their names?
  • If you could have tea with a fictional character, who would that be?
  • Have you ever really kept a New Year’s resolution?
  • If you could host a tv show, who would be your first guest?
  • When did you realize you had a hidden talent? What is it?
  • If you could be any age again for one week, which age would you be and why?
  • Where would you go on vacation if you had an unlimited budget?
  • Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
  • What do you think is the best show on Netflix right now?
  • If you could sit down with your 13-year old self now, what would you say to them?
  • What is your favorite form of social media and why?
  • If you could play any song right now, which one would it be?

Follow us on Instagram @cotierbrand

Convokins: The Ultimate Casual Conversation Starter Game

Source: Cotier Brand

While we can provide you with endless casual conversation starters, there is one alternative you should consider when hosting a social event. Familiarize yourself with the concept of Convokins; the ultimate conversation starter game! Imagine a classy napkin and your conversation starter cards merged together, you’d have a bunch of Convokins!

So, what exactly are Convokins?

High-quality, gold-embossed napkins with a range of conversation-starting questions at the ready for every guest. Simply lay the table with one at each place setting, or place a pile of them on the buffet table. Once everyone’s arrived, get each guest to read out from their Convokins and watch the hilarities commence! Sit back and watch these little napkins bring huge success to your event!

Engagement Party Casual Conversations Starters

bridal party accessories on a table - casual conversation starters
Source: Pexels

Engagement parties can be a little tricky, especially when you’re a single guest surrounded by loved-up couples! So, prepare yourself ahead of time with these handy casual conversation starters:

  • Where did you meet the lucky couple?
  • Are you seeing anyone special at the moment? If so, for how long?
  • How did you meet your partner? How long have you been together?
  • What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
  • If you didn’t have to work another day in your life, what would you do?
  • What’s your favorite part about being self-employed or a business owner?
  • Do you believe men and women can ever just be friends?
  • What are you most excited about this coming month?
  • Name three items you would take with you to a deserted island.
  • What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?
  • Would you rather travel on a plane or a boat?
  • What are you most looking forward to this coming year?
  • How many countries have you been to? Which was your favorite and why?
  • What is one thing you can’t live without?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

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Wedding Reception Casual Conversations Starters

group of people holding up their glasses for a toast - casual conversation starters
Source: Unsplash

Weddings are a wonderful way to meet new people (and potentially a new date!), although it can be hard to get a good discussion off the ground. Learn some of these casual conversation starters to help you break the ice:

  • How do you know the newlyweds?
  • When did you last go to a wedding? If so, who got married?
  • What do you like best about the bride’s personality?
  • What do you like best about the groom’s personality?
  • Have you ever taken dance lessons? If so, which kind of dance?
  • Can you name five songs to which you know all the lyrics?
  • What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten and where was it?
  • Which of the four seasons do you most look forward to?
  • If you could personally witness any one event in history, what would it be and why?
  • What was the most recent movie that made you cry? Why did it make you cry?
  • Are you generally known to be overdressed or underdressed at a party?
  • Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with and why?
  • What is your favorite book of all time? Tell me about the storyline.
  • What’s the strangest dream you’ve had recently? What do you think it meant?
  • Tell me something people are always surprised to learn about you.

Looking for more family conversation starters? Have a read of this

Dinner Party Casual Conversations Starters

a group of people raising their drinks and talking - casual conversation starters
Source: Pexels

Known as the most common form of social events, a dinner party can be the perfect way to make new friends – or meet someone new. Be the star of the show with these thought-provoking – but casual! – conversation starters:

  • How do you know the host/hostess?
  • If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be and why?
  • Can you remember your worst wardrobe mistake and where you wore it?
  • What is your favorite guilty pleasure TV show? Why is it so great?
  • What is the best restaurant you’ve been to? Where is it located?
  • If you could only save one item from a house fire, what would it be and why?
  • Tell me three fun facts about yourself that other people may not know.
  • Where’s the most exotic place you’ve ever been? What was your favorite part of the trip?
  • What is the one movie you can watch over and over again?
  • If you’d had the chance to pick your own name, what would it be and why?
  • What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Why was it the best one?
  • What’s on your bucket list and how many have already done?
  • If you could, who would you swap lives with for a day and why?
  • What is the silliest thing you’ve ever posted online? Why did you do it?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Until Next Time…

There we go, ladies! Some of the best – and easiest – casual conversation starters to use on any social occasion! We know times are tough and the concept of socializing in a traditional sense feels like a million miles away… But rest assured, the time will come once again! And who doesn’t love a little party prep, anyway?

Which was your favorite casual conversation starter and why? Start a conversation with us in the comments – we’d love to hear from you girl!

Follow us on Instagram @cotierbrand and use the hashtag #partywithcotier to get featured!

Save this pin below to your relationship goals or party board to save all these tips!

Amber S.

Amber is the Co-Founder and CEO of Cotier Brand. A unique party supply company that creates games and activities that drive engagement and connection between guests! Her mission is to inspire more people to gather, connect and create memories for life's smallest and biggest moments.

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