How to Plan the Cutest Girl Elephant Baby Shower

girl elephant baby shower

When it comes to planning the cutest girl elephant baby shower of all time – because we know that’s exactly what you want – there is a fair amount of preparation involved. But, have no fear: Cotier Brand is here for you! We’ve curated all of the key factors involved in planning a girl elephant baby shower and have prepped it ready for you to plan accordingly at ease. The best part? Everything you need to purchase ahead of time is linked here for your convenience – yep, we really covered everything here. Let’s get into it, girl!

Plan Your Girl Elephant Baby Shower

Source: Unsplash

Okay, so we might have got ahead of ourselves slightly but we’re just so excited to share this awesome girl elephant baby shower theme with you! The main reason we’re so stoked about this theme is that planning any baby shower is such an amazing (and occasionally stressful) experience and elephants are absolutely adorable. Can’t argue with that, right? Right! So, let’s take a look at exactly what goes into planning a truly memorable girl elephant baby shower – from start to finish…

Send the Invitations

baby elephant baby shower invitations
Source: Amazon

First up, you’ll need to compile your guest list for your girl elephant baby shower in order to map out your invitations. This is the very first step to planning your baby shower and is crucial to the success of it – you can’t host an event without knowing the numbers first hey? Be sure to ask all of your guests to RSVP as soon as possible so you can ensure you’ve catered accurately for everyone. Now, the fun part: pick up a batch of these adorable elephant invitations from Amazon so you can personalize each one per guest to make them feel extra special.

Choose the Decor

girl elephant baby shower multi pack of decor
Source: Amazon

Our personal favorite part of hosting any baby shower is organizing the decor! There’s just so much fun to be had and even more enjoyment to come on the big day! And when it comes to preparing your decorations for your girl elephant baby shower, we believe there is just so much to choose from! From Little Peanut banners to baby elephant centerpieces, this awesome pink girl elephant baby shower multi-pack from Amazon has got you covered.

Want to ensure all goes to plan? Take a look at these common baby shower mistakes to avoid

Prep the Food

baby elephant cupcake toppers
Source: Amazon

Much like the decor, the food is just as important – and fun – when planning your baby girl’s elephant baby shower. Now, when planning the food you’d like to have at your baby shower, our best words of wisdom are to keep it simple. Remember that old saying, “Less is more”? Yep, that applies here. We know you’ll be seeing all the adorable baby elephant cupcakes and cookies and want to try out every recipe, but choose a handful of your favorites and stick to it. We promise you’ll thank us later. As for the cupcakes, be sure to add these gorgeous baby elephant cake toppers from Amazon to the mix.


Set up the Drinks

girl elephant baby shower rose gold sparkly glasses
Source: Amazon

Okay, so you’ve sent our your invitations, the decor has been ordered and you’ve tried and tested all your food recipes – so, what’s next? The drinks, of course! While we appreciate baby showers aren’t really the time to go wild with alcoholic beverages, who can’t resist a glass of bubbly in one of these pink sparkly champagne numbers from Amazon? We certainly can’t – and your guests won’t either! As always, we suggest having an array of juices and water options available for those who prefer to keep things light when celebrating – the hostess with the mostest must cater to all, after all!

Bring the Entertainment: Did Baby Poopie?

did baby poopie?
Source: Amazon

Yep, we may well be a little biased but your girl elephant baby shower is going to be that much cuter with our hilarious game: Did Baby Poopie? Available in either fair or brown skin tones, we created this quick and easy baby shower game as the ultimate icebreaker to kick your celebrations off right. Keen to know how to play?

Hand one lottery scratch-off card to each one of your guests with a coin and ask them to scratch their card to reveal what’s underneath. If any guest reveals a poop emoji, they are a winner and have to scream the word “POOP!” As you’re the hostess, you get to decide what wild prize they get!

Looking for some more baby shower game inspiration? Check out these fun and quick baby shower games

Hand Out the Party Favors

girl elephant baby shower rose gold bottle opener
Source: Amazon

Last but by no means least on our guide to planning the cutest girl elephant baby shower is, of course, the party favors! We know your baby shower has gone off without a hitch and as it’s time to say goodbye, be sure to leave your guests with a little takeaway from the special day. We’re thinking something like these angelic rose gold baby elephant bottle openers from Amazon. What an adorable little keepsake!

Loved these ideas? Be sure to SAVE it to your baby shower board!

Until Next Time…

And there we have it, baby momma-to-be! How to plan the cutest girl elephant baby shower – with all the trimmings. We truly hope you’re feeling excited and ready to get out there and start planning your special day. You’ve got this, girl!

With love,

Cotier xo

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Amber S.

Amber is the Co-Founder and CEO of Cotier Brand. A unique party supply company that creates games and activities that drive engagement and connection between guests! Her mission is to inspire more people to gather, connect and create memories for life's smallest and biggest moments.

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