When it comes to deep conversations, often it’s hard to get into it without feeling awkward – or sad. Whether it’s the kind of deep conversation starters you’re using, or the person you’re talking to just isn’t into it… It’s a total mess. But, it doesn’t have to be! What if we told you we’ve gathered some of the best deep conversation starters for any kind of relationship, friendship – or situationship! – to help you improve your chat? Well, it’s true! We’ve got them all!
Deep Conversation Starters Do’s & Don’ts:
Before we get started, here are some important deep conversation starters do’s and don’ts you should consider before diving into the deep end… See what we did there?!

- Listen more than you talk. Pose the question and wait for the response before offering your thoughts on the topic.
- Learn to take turns. Good conversation is a two-way street, especially when you’re using deep conversation starters to get it flowing.
- Tailor your deep conversation starters to the listener. There’s no point asking a teenager how they felt after their first child, right?!
- Get too deep too quickly. Ease into the conversation with lighter topics before opening with one of your deep conversation starters.
- Engage in one-upping the other person. There’s nothing worse than a try-hard.
- Talk over some when they’re talking. Ultimately, it’s just rude.
Deep Conversation Starters For First Dates
When it comes to first dates, things can feel a little overwhelming and whole lotta nerve-wracking! With that being said, if you’re prepared beforehand, there’s no reason you can’t have an amazing first date. Many people prefer to keep it casual on a first date, but we’re sure some of these deep conversation starters will be a hit with your (potential) new boo!

- What’s one word you would use to describe change?
- How do you make change happen in your life?
- What’s one word you would use to describe the human race?
- Who has been the most supportive person in your life?
- Who is the one person you’re glad you’ve met?
- What do you think religion means to most people in our country?
- How many deep relationships do you have in your life?
- What is/was your mom like?
- What is/was your dad like?
- Which top three characteristics define your personality?
- What was your childhood like?
- What does politics mean to you?
- How do you define happiness and why?
- What is your biggest fear in life?
- What is your biggest fear in love?
Deep Conversation Starters For Your Family
As much as we may think we do, it’s actually pretty rare to get into a deep conversation with our family. Between dinnertime and endless family events, there’s not much time to get stuck into a great conversation. So, naturally, we’ve put together some deep conversation starters for you to try with your family – whenever the opportunity strikes!

- What’s one thing you adore about our family?
- Which is your favorite memory from school?
- What would you change about this world if you could?
- What is the number one thing you’d like to accomplish in your life?
- How do you define success within our family?
- What’s one thing you would change about someone in our family if you could?
- Do you feel you have a genuine relationship with your siblings?
- Who inspires you the most and why?
- What could our family improve on?
- Who makes our family successful?
- What is the number one thing you value most about our family?
- What is the number one thing you value least about our family?
- Name the hardest thing you had to do at school.
- Name the hardest thing you’ve had to do at home.
- What type of parents do you think we are?
Deep Conversation Starters For The Girls
Typically, girlie time is filled with shopping, lunches and brunches, but our girls are our girls for a reason! They’re not just happy hour pals, they’re our best friends and the people who knows us best. So, why do we find it so difficult to get into deep conversations with our soul sisters? It’s an odd one, but society has made it hard for us to get deep without things feeling awkward, and it’s time to change that! Try out some of these deep conversation starters with the girls at next week’s brunch and see how it goes…

- Who would you have dinner with if you could? Why?
- What’s the number one thing you wish you could have invented?
- What does entrepreneurship mean to you?
- What do you value about your friends here at the table now?
- If you had to pick money or love, which one would it be and why?
- If you could only bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be?
- What’s a question you ask when you want to have a deeper conversation with someone?
- What’s your favorite thing about our friendship group?
- When was the last time you needed space and why?
- Who is God to you and what do they look like?
- Tell me about the last time you didn’t feel happy and what that looked like for you.
- What makes a deep and meaningful conversation to you?
- How are emotions useful for the human race?
- What do you think the future of the human species looks like?
- What is the worst destruction humans can do beyond what’s already been done?
Convokins: The Ultimate Deep Conversation Starter Game

Although there are obviously endless deep conversation starters out there for you to try, there’s an even easier way to get meaningful conversations happening around your dinner table! Meet Convokins: the ultimate conversation starter game. Imagine boujie gold-and-white napkins and the best conversation starters had a child together, well that’s exactly what Convokins are!
So, how do they work exactly? We’re glad you asked!
Well, after your batch of Convokins has been delivered, set your table or buffet area and include one Convokin per guest. Once the party’s going, take a moment to ask your guest to read out their Convokin question. Sit back and watch the games begin! Cool tip: As there are 50 Convokins per batch, you can either go crazy at one party or save some for the next!
Deep Conversation Starters For A New Friend
Whenever it’s time to hang out with someone new, it can be a little terrifying to know what to say next! Never fear, our deep conversation starters are here – and happy to help! Oh, and don’t worry, they’re not that deep, but rather thought-provoking… Ideal for a coffee with a new friend!

- Use one word to describe yourself.
- Describe what the meaning of life means to you.
- How would you describe your past?
- How would you describe your future?
- Who is the most influential person on this planet to you?
- Who is the least influential person on this planet to you?
- What do you think the human race will look like in 5 years time?
- What do you think the human race will look like in 100 years?
- How do you know when you are in love?
- How would you describe to others what your take on love is?
- Choose one word you would use to describe success.
- What does friendship mean to you?
- How easily do you make friends?
- What’s one thing you would change about yourself permanently if you could?
- How does your job make you feel?
Deep Conversation Starters For Your Partner
In relationships, more often than not we believe we get up close and personal with our partners all the time, including deep conversations. However, this is not always the case. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself when the last time was your partner and you had a really deep and meaningful conversation? The answer might surprise you. Therefore, you should definitely try out some of these deep conversation starters to reignite some fire in your relationship!

- How best do you like to feel supported during hard times?
- What’s the favorite memory you have of us together?
- What does “alone time” mean for you? What do you need?
- When do you feel most authentically yourself?
- What lessons from your childhood have had the most impact on your worldview?
- What’s the one thing you wish people better understood about you?
- When did you know you were in love with me?
- What do you love the most about our relationship? What do you wish we could work on?
- How can we practice sustainability better as a couple?
- What was your first experience with intimacy like?
- How often do you need space to recharge from work – or us?
- If we had the opportunity to live in another country for a year, where would you want to go?
- What are the small joys that bring light into your day?
- How would you describe your love language?
- Who do you admire the most in this world, and how has that impacted the way you live your life today?
Until Next Time
And there we have it! A great selection (if we do say so ourselves!) of deep conversation starters for any guest or relationship in your life. We know it can be hard to get a good conversation flowing at times, so we really hope this helps you find your way.
With love,
Cotier xo
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