9 Hilarious Bridal Shower Games That Aren’t Cringy

mimosa bar kit cotier brand

Here at Cotier Brand, we know how important entertainment is at any event – let alone your bridal shower. Whether you’re planning something intimate and small or a wild bash of over 100 guests, one thing we know for sure is that you’ll need some hilarious bridal shower games to keep the festivities going! We’ve handpicked some of our favorite and most hilarious bridal shower games from our friends at Etsy and Amazon, and we hope these will inspire you for your upcoming celebrations! Grab a cuppa joe and a notebook and away we go…

Hilarious Bridal Shower Games

You may or may not agree but our view on hosting a bridal shower is more often than not, the planning stage is by far the most exciting! This is because we adore attention to detail and making sure we get things just right. Sound like you? Welcome partner! You’ve come to the right place. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of these unique and equally hilarious bridal shower games…

1. Who Has The Ring?

Source: Amazon/Cotier Brand

First up on our list of hilarious bridal shower games is, of course, our very own offering: Who Has The Ring? Now, if we do say so ourselves, we think it’s easily one of the funniest games around simply for its feel-good factor and absolute ease!

Required Materials: One box of Who Has The Ring? from Amazon.

Game Length: 5 minutes.

Prep: Hide each of the 30 cards under seats and other furniture before guests start to arrive at the bridal shower.


  • Hide one card under each chair or seat available at the venue.
  • Ask all of the guests to look under their chairs and find their own scratch off card.
  • Once found, ask them to scratch off their cards to reveal what’s underneath.
  • The guest that finds the word ‘WINNER’ on their card must shout out, “I DO!” and they win a prize!

2. Garter Toss

Hilarious Bridal Shower Games garter toss
Source: Amazon

Okay, so this might be a very close second on our list of hilarious bridal shower games. Based on the more classic lawn game of Ring Toss, Garter Toss uses the same notion – just with some lacy garters instead! Hilarity is on point.

Required Materials: One multipack of garters from Amazon and some old bottles to paint.

Game Length: 30 minutes.

Prep: Find an area in your yard with enough space for the Garter Toss game to take place and lay it out there.


  • Lay out the Garter Toss game outside ahead of time.
  • Ask guests to get into teams of 3.
  • Take in turns to through the rings to aim them over the sticks to score points from each bottle – you can paint a number on if you like.
  • The first team to get to 50 points wins!

3. Who Can Make The Best Mimosa?

who can make the best mimosa? bar kit
Source: Amazon/Cotier Brand

Because who doesn’t love a mimosa at a bridal shower? Another one of our creations, our very own 97-piece Mimosa Bar Kit is ideal for the hilarious bridal shower game of Who Can Make The Best Mimosa? Why? Because if your cocktail doesn’t work out, the bubbles certainly will!

Required Materials: One Mimosa Bar Kit from Amazon.

Game Length: 30 minutes.

Prep: Choose a table to prepare your Mimosa Bar on and add all the extras including fruit, juices, ice, and labels.


  • Build your Mimosa Bar ahead of time.
  • Ask each guest to grab a glass and start to prepare their Mimosa concoction.
  • Designate one taster of everyone’s Mimosas and choose the best one.
  • The guest who made it is crowned the winner and is therefore known as the Mimosa Queen for the rest of the baby shower!

Learn how to make a Bridal Shower Mimosa Bar here


4. Put A Ring On It

Hilarious Bridal Shower Games put a ring on it
Source: Amazon

Put A Ring On It is a hilarious bridal shower game for one simple reason: it’s unexpectedly competitive. Simply have a box of plastic rings ready on arrival and watch the entertainment unfold throughout the course of the day!

Required Materials: One Put A Ring On It set from Amazon.

Game Length: Throughout the day of the bridal shower.

Prep: Place your chosen Put A Ring On It sign on a table with a bowl of plastic wedding rings next to it.


  • Place the Put A Ring On It sign on a table and add a bowl of plastic wedding rings next to it.
  • Ask each guest to take a ring at the start of the bridal shower.
  • Inform them that they cannot use the words ‘Wedding’ or ‘Bride’ throughout the day otherwise they will have to gfive up their ring to the guest that caught them out.
  • The guest with the most rings at the end of the bridal shower games wins them all!

Stay up to date with the latest bridal shower trends

5. Convokins

Source: Amazon/Cotier Brand

What could be more entertaining than a bunch of boujie napkins with some deep – and often amusing – thought-provoking questions on them? Not much, we say! Meet Convokins: the ultimate conversation starter (and hilarious bridal shower game!).

Required Materials: One box of Convokins from Amazon.

Game Length: 10-30 minutes.

Prep: Layout each Convokin on the table plan arrangements or have a stack of them near the buffet table.


  • Layout each Convokin on the place setting or on a table in a stack
  • Ask each guest to pick up their Convokin and get ready to read theirs aloud.
  • As a group, go around and read your Convokins question out and answer in turn.
  • Watch the hilarity commence!

Looking for more gorgeous wedding napkins in time for your big day? Take a look at these

6. Date Night Jar: Silly Answers Only

Hilarious Bridal Shower Games date night jar
Source: Amazon

For something usually very sentimental, we thought we’d go ahead and turn it into something hilarious – and that we did! Simply take the notion of date night suggestions but tell your guests it’s silly answers only. Let the games begin!

Required Materials: One box of Date Night Cards from Amazon.

Game Length: 10 minutes.

Prep: Pre-print the full number of templates you’ll need and have enough pens to match.


  • Hand out one template and a pen to each guest.
  • Set the timer for 10 minutes.
  • Ask each guest to fill out their silly date night suggestions and prepare to read it aloud.
  • The guest who gets the loudest laughter from the crowd wins!

7. Pin The Ring

pin the ring
Source: Amazon

Much like the beloved Pin The Tail On The Donkey, the hilarious bridal shower game of Pin The Ring is well worth a go. All you need is a pre-made kit from Amazon and a blindfold. Let’s go!

Required Materials: One Pin The Ring bridal shower game from Amazon.

Game Length: 20 minutes.

Prep: Unpackage the Pin The Ring game and hang it on a wall of choice. Have a blindfold at the ready.


  • Start the game by gathering everyone around the Pin The Ring wall.
  • Set the timer for 20 minutes.
  • Go around the room inviting each guest the chance to pin the diamond on ring, while wearing a blindfold.
  • The guest who gets the most accurate placement on the ring wins!

Looking for some affordable bridal shower decorations? Look no further

8. How Well Do You Know The Bride?

Hilarious Bridal Shower Games how well do you know the bride to be
Source: Amazon

How well do you think your guests really know the bride-to-be? Well, as soon as you pass out this adorable template, you’ll be sure to find out!

Required Materials: One printable template from Amazon.

Game Length: 10 minutes.

Prep: Pre-print the full number of templates you’ll need and have enough pens to match.


  • Hand out one template and a pen to each guest.
  • Set the timer for 10 minutes.
  • Ask each guest to fill out their template to the best of their knowledge, aiming for the most correct answers.
  • The guest with the most correct answers wins a prize for knowing the bride-to-be the best!

9. Guess The Dress: Silly Edition

guess the dress
Source: Amazon

Last but not least on our list of hilarious bridal shower games is the usually adorable Guess The Dress. Only this time, guests will need to be drawing the most hideous version of a wedding dress they can possibly draw. Yep, the worst wedding dress of all wins the glory on this one!

Required Materials: One printable template from Amazon.

Game Length: 15 minutes.

Prep: Pre-print the full number of templates you’ll need and have enough multi-colored pens and pencils to match.


  • Hand out one template and put a jar of pens and pencils on each guest table.
  • Set the timer for 15 minutes.
  • Ask guests to draw out the worst version of the bride-to-be’s wedding dress they can create.
  • The guest who draws the most hideous and ugly wedding dress guess wins a prize – for creativity, of course!

Loved these ideas? Be sure to SAVE it to your bridal shower board!

Until Next Time…

Well, well, well… There we have it! Our favorite and most hilarious bridal shower games for you to try out on the special day. Let us know which ones you loved and don’t forget to show us some love in the comments!

All our love,

Cotier xo

For more party inspiration, hosting tips, and exciting new ideas, join our mailing list and follow us on Instagram @cotierbrand

Amber S.

Amber is the Co-Founder and CEO of Cotier Brand. A unique party supply company that creates games and activities that drive engagement and connection between guests! Her mission is to inspire more people to gather, connect and create memories for life's smallest and biggest moments.

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